In the past, we have written about the monetary burden than is caused by having to constantly buy toilet paper for your household. Sure, if you are the only person who is living in your home this may not seem as though it is something you need to worry about. But when have a family, toilet paper seems to need refills as soon as you get back to the house. However, your bank account isn’t the only thing being affected by the amount of toilet paper you have to buy every month.
Billions of people use toilet paper all over the world and it is taking a toll not only on their personal health, but it is taxing to the environment. It is estimated that in their lifetime, one person will destroy approximately 384 trees and you can bet that a large portion of those trees are turned into toilet paper.
Using a bidet will not only help to preserve the environment, but it will increase your overall cleanliness. Toilet paper spreads bacteria around your genital area, something no one really wants. Get rid of the germs and invest in a Biffy Bidet today! Our products are the best on the market and we know you'll love your Biffy!
Check out our different models and decide which one would be best for you. Need help? We have staff prepared to answer your questions at anytime. Just call us at 1-877-422-4339 and we will help you find the best product for your home!